Krungsri Global Core Allocation SSF (KFCORESSF)
Information as of Jan 31, 2025
Fund Type
Super Savings Fund which is Mixed fund and Feeder Fund.
Dividend Policy
Dividends shall be paid when the Fund has retained earnings and such dividend payment shall not result in the Fund incurring retained losses during the accounting period for which the dividends are paid out. In the event that the dividend payment is less than 0.25 baht per unit, the Fund reserves the right not to pay. For further detail pertaining to dividend payment, please study Fund Prospectus and Fund Project and Commitment.
Inception Date
11 October 2023
Investment Policy
Invest in BGF ESG Multi-Asset Fund, Class I2 Hedged USD, the master fund, which managed by BlackRock (Luxembourg) S.A. at least 80% of NAV in average of an accounting period. The Master Fund follows an asset allocation policy that seeks to maximize total return according to the principles of sustainable investment that incorporate environmental, social, and governance or “ESG” factors into investment decisions. The Fund invests globally in equities, fixed-income transferrable securities (which may include some high-yield fixed-income transferrable securities), units of undertakings for collective investment, cash, deposits and money market instruments.
Fund Manager
Jaturun Sornvai, Chusak Ouypornchaisakul
Return Chart
NAV Movement
  • 3 Months
  • 12 Months
  • Since inception
Risk Level
Medium to High Risk

Foreign exchange risk

The fund manager may consider hedging against currency risk depending upon market situation and fund manager’s discretion.
Transaction Details
Minimum Purchase Amount (Baht): 500
Minimum Redemption Amount (Unit): None
Transaction Period: Every subscription date by 15.30 hrs.
Proceeds Payment Period: Not exceed 5 working days following the NAV calculation date but in general practice, the payment date will be 4 working days after the execution day (T+4).
Fund Redemption Period: Every redemption date by 14.30 hrs.
Transaction Channel: Krungsri Asset Management,Online Service,AGENT
Asset Allocation (31 Jan 2025)
BGF ESG Multi-Asset Fund Class I2 Hedged USD98.04%
Other Assets2.12%
Other Liabilities-0.16%
Dividend Payment History (Last 1 times or last 5 years)
(Note : Paid 1 times, totalling 0.1000 Baht.)
17 Oct 20240.1000 Bt./unit
Super Savings Fund (SSF)
FundHistorical ReturnsFund Size (mil)
% Cumulative Return% Annualized ReturnSince Inception
3 Months6 MonthsYTD1 Year3 Years5 Years10 Years
Krungsri Cash Management-SSF (KFCASHSSF)+0.43%+0.93%+0.14%+1.87%+1.21%N/AN/A+0.82%551
Standard Deviation of Fund+0.07%+0.07%+0.06%+0.08%+0.07%N/AN/A+0.07%
Standard Deviation of Benchmark+0.01%+0.01%+0.01%+0.01%+0.02%N/AN/A+0.02%
Krungsri Active Fixed Income-SSF (KFAFIXSSF)+0.91%+1.81%+0.11%+3.40%+2.13%N/AN/A+1.81%944
Standard Deviation of Fund+0.57%+0.58%+0.62%+0.54%+0.78%N/AN/A+0.81%
Standard Deviation of Benchmark+0.49%+0.57%+0.56%+0.62%+1.03%N/AN/A+0.96%
Krungsri Happy Life-SSF (KFHAPPYSSF)-1.00%+1.78%-0.51%+3.07%+0.36%N/AN/A+1.25%211
Standard Deviation of Fund+2.24%+2.29%+2.29%+2.01%+1.99%N/AN/A+2.32%
Standard Deviation of Benchmark+2.05%+2.16%+2.42%+1.90%+1.90%N/AN/A+2.26%
Krungsri The One Mild SSF (KF1MILDSSF)-0.09%+1.07%+0.36%+2.95%N/AN/AN/A+2.78%12
Standard Deviation of Fund+3.57%+3.66%+3.81%+3.51%N/AN/AN/A+3.31%
Standard Deviation of Benchmark+2.50%+2.69%+2.63%+2.54%N/AN/AN/A+2.53%
Krungsri The One Mean SSF (KF1MEANSSF)-0.82%+0.52%+0.12%+2.14%N/AN/AN/A+2.43%7
Standard Deviation of Fund+4.69%+4.91%+4.99%+4.66%N/AN/AN/A+4.52%
Standard Deviation of Benchmark+4.39%+4.70%+4.81%+4.38%N/AN/AN/A+4.41%
Krungsri The One Max SSF (KF1MAXSSF)-0.65%+0.86%+0.29%+2.80%N/AN/AN/A+3.21%10
Standard Deviation of Fund+5.74%+6.19%+6.29%+5.90%N/AN/AN/A+5.88%
Standard Deviation of Benchmark+6.70%+7.36%+7.28%+6.85%N/AN/AN/A+6.83%
Krungsri Enhanced SET50-SSF (KFENS50SSF)-8.86%+3.02%-6.02%+3.14%-3.32%N/AN/A+4.74%723
SET50 TRI-8.46%+4.12%-5.50%+6.13%-2.06%N/AN/A+5.38%
Standard Deviation of Fund+13.83%+14.00%+15.72%+12.58%+12.20%N/AN/A+15.50%
Standard Deviation of Benchmark+13.71%+13.87%+15.52%+12.34%+12.03%N/AN/A+15.16%
Krungsri Dividend Stock SSF (KFDIVSSF)-10.77%-2.05%-5.71%-3.52%-7.70%N/AN/A-2.82%561
SET TRI-10.18%+0.73%-6.11%-0.32%-4.41%N/AN/A+3.32%
Standard Deviation of Fund+12.76%+13.81%+14.82%+11.93%+11.54%N/AN/A+12.54%
Standard Deviation of Benchmark+12.51%+13.13%+14.52%+11.60%+11.52%N/AN/A+12.96%
Krungsri SET100-SSF (KFS100SSF)-9.62%+2.29%-6.12%+2.68%-3.56%N/AN/A+1.95%580
SET100 TRI-9.58%+2.68%-6.14%+2.84%-3.87%N/AN/A+2.06%
Standard Deviation of Fund+13.73%+13.94%+15.76%+12.33%+11.98%N/AN/A+13.52%
Standard Deviation of Benchmark+13.71%+14.04%+15.80%+12.45%+12.12%N/AN/A+13.59%
Tracking Difference (TD)N/AN/AN/A-0.16%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Tracking Error (TE)N/AN/AN/A+0.43%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Krungsri Global Core Allocation SSF (KFCORESSF)+2.97%+1.20%+1.22%+5.96%N/AN/AN/A+7.89%19
Standard Deviation of Fund+7.42%+7.68%+7.41%+7.22%N/AN/AN/A+7.06%
Krungsri Global Brands Equity Dividend SSF (KFGBRANSSF)+4.16%+5.46%+5.49%+6.39%+1.54%N/AN/A+6.92%2,141
Standard Deviation of Fund+10.65%+9.50%+11.68%+10.17%+15.32%N/AN/A+14.76%
Standard Deviation of Benchmark+11.99%+11.64%+10.69%+11.34%+15.59%N/AN/A+15.03%
Krungsri China A Shares Equity SSF (KFACHINSSF)-2.61%+6.61%-2.45%+7.88%-14.16%N/AN/A-15.43%365
Standard Deviation of Fund+15.01%+20.01%+11.91%+16.74%+20.12%N/AN/A+20.56%
Standard Deviation of Benchmark+14.42%+22.82%+10.84%+18.74%+21.01%N/AN/A+21.23%
Krungsri US Equity SSF (KFUSSSF)+6.96%+20.26%+5.28%+22.76%+0.57%N/AN/A-11.31%113
Standard Deviation of Fund+15.00%+19.62%+14.56%+21.46%+37.33%N/AN/A+37.24%
Standard Deviation of Benchmark+17.41%+21.64%+17.71%+22.40%+36.79%N/AN/A+36.90%
Krungsri Next Generation Infrastructure SSF (KFINFRASSF)-2.13%+1.53%+1.46%+6.15%-1.33%N/AN/A-2.74%41
Standard Deviation of Fund+12.47%+10.84%+15.28%+10.71%+14.51%N/AN/A+14.33%
Standard Deviation of Benchmark+13.11%+11.37%+15.64%+10.83%+14.69%N/AN/A+14.52%
Krungsri ESG Climate Tech SSF (KFCLIMASSF)-2.61%-3.14%+3.53%+5.26%-3.57%N/AN/A-6.65%66
Standard Deviation of Fund+14.15%+14.20%+17.37%+14.43%+19.54%N/AN/A+19.52%
Krungsri Global Growth SSF (KFGGSSF)+12.05%+23.39%+6.49%+29.17%+3.05%N/AN/A-5.37%997
Standard Deviation of Fund+21.83%+21.66%+24.37%+20.22%+30.59%N/AN/A+30.33%
Standard Deviation of Benchmark+23.23%+23.05%+27.54%+20.83%+31.20%N/AN/A+31.11%
Krungsri China Megatrends SSF (KFCMEGASSF)-1.52%+17.62%+3.75%+25.86%N/AN/AN/A-9.01%45
Standard Deviation of Fund+33.67%+40.46%+25.52%+34.05%N/AN/AN/A+31.40%
Standard Deviation of Benchmark+17.94%+26.91%+17.10%+22.82%N/AN/AN/A+23.77%
Krungsri Equity Sustainable Global Growth SSF (KFESGSSF)-0.46%-1.53%+2.57%+5.44%N/AN/AN/A+4.95%37
Standard Deviation of Fund+12.87%+13.45%+14.73%+13.51%N/AN/AN/A+15.37%
Standard Deviation of Benchmark+13.59%+14.50%+15.41%+13.83%N/AN/AN/A+16.11%
Krungsri Vietnam Equity SSF (KFVIETSSF)+1.22%+0.90%+0.45%+3.58%N/AN/AN/A-4.70%160
Standard Deviation of Fund+11.11%+10.93%+10.45%+13.08%N/AN/AN/A+16.01%
Standard Deviation of Benchmark+14.83%+14.76%+11.95%+16.17%N/AN/AN/A+21.88%
FundHistorical ReturnsFund Size (mil)
% Cumulative Return% Annualized ReturnSince Inception
3 Months6 MonthsYTD1 Year3 Years5 Years10 Years
Krungsri SET100-SSFX (KFS100SSFX)-9.62%+2.29%-6.12%+2.68%-3.56%N/AN/A+2.61%1,358
SET100 TRI-9.58%+2.68%-6.14%+2.84%-3.87%N/AN/A+3.36%
Standard Deviation of Fund+13.73%+13.94%+15.76%+12.34%+11.98%N/AN/A+14.24%
Standard Deviation of Benchmark+13.71%+14.04%+15.80%+12.45%+12.12%N/AN/A+14.36%
Tracking Difference (TD)N/AN/AN/A-0.16%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Tracking Error (TE)N/AN/AN/A+0.43%N/AN/AN/AN/A
Past Performance Information as of 31/01/2025
Past performance is not guarantee of future results.
Performance numbers are calculated according to the AIMC's standard. Performance is expressed in annualized for the period ≥ 1 year.

The Morningstar Indexes are the exclusive property of Morningstar, Inc. Morningstar, Inc., its affiliates and subsidiaries, its direct and indirect information providers and any other third party involved in, or related to, compiling, computing or creating any Morningstar Index (collectively, “Morningstar Parties”) do not guarantee the accuracy, completeness and/or timeliness of the Morningstar Indexes or any data included therein and shall have no liability for any errors, omissions, or interruptions therein. None of the Morningstar Parties make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the results to be obtained from the use of the Morningstar Indexes or any data included therein.
1. Average interest rate for one-year fixed deposits with the amount less than 5 million Baht of 3 major banks, namely, Bangkok Bank, Kasikorn Bank and Siam Commercial Bank; after tax: 50.00% 2. Net Total Return of ThaiBMA Government Bond Index with a 1-3 year tenor: 50.00%
1. SET Total Return Index (SET TRI): 50.00% 2. Average interest rate for one-year fixed deposits with the amount less than 5 million Baht of 3 major banks, namely, Bangkok Bank, Kasikorn Bank and Siam Commercial Bank; after tax: 25.00% 3. Net Total Return of ThaiBMA Government Bond Index: 25.00%
1. Zero Rate Return (ZRR) Index with an approximately 3-month tenor: 50.00% 2. Average interest rate for 3-month fixed deposits with the amount less than 5 million Baht of 3 major banks, namely, Bangkok Bank, Kasikorn Bank and Siam Commercial Bank; after tax: 50.00%
1. Zero Rate Return (ZRR) Index with an approximately 1-month tenor: 55.00% 2. Average interest rate for 3-month fixed deposits with the amount less than 5 million Baht of 3 major banks, namely, Bangkok Bank, Kasikorn Bank and Siam Commercial Bank; after tax: 45.00%
1. Net Total Return of ThaiBMA Government Bond Index with a tenor of 10 years or less: 50.00% 2. Net Total Return of 1-3 year ThaiBMA Corporate Bond Index (MTM) with BBB+ and above issuer rating: 30.00% 3. Average interest rate for one-year fixed deposits with the amount less than 5 million Baht of 3 major banks, namely, Bangkok Bank, Kasikorn Bank and Siam Commercial Bank; after tax: 10.00% 4. Thai Overnight Repurchase Rate (THOR); after tax: 10.00%
1. Zero Rate Return (ZRR) Index with an approximately 2-year tenor: 40.00% 2. Average interest rate for one-year fixed deposits with the amount less than 5 million Baht of 3 major banks, namely, Bangkok Bank, Kasikorn Bank and Siam Commercial Bank; after tax: 40.00% 3. SET Total Return Index (SET TRI): 20.00%
1. Zero Rate Return (ZRR) Index with an approximately 3-month tenor 20.00% 2. ThaiBMA Government Bond Index (TR) with a 1-3 year tenor: 50.00% 3. SET Total Return Index (SET TRI): 14.00% 4. Morningstar DM TME NR USD Index in US currency: 11.00% adjusted with the cost of foreign exchange hedging to compare with the Baht equivalent as at the date of calculation 5. SPDR Gold Share ETF’s Performance in US currency: 5.00% adjusted with the cost of foreign exchange hedging to compare with the Baht equivalent as at the date of calculation
1. Zero Rate Return (ZRR) Index with an approximately 3-month tenor: 10.00% 2. ThaiBMA Government Bond Index (TR) with a 1-3 year tenor: 30.00% 3. Morningstar US Core Bond TR USD Index in US currency: 10.00% adjusted with the cost of foreign exchange hedging to compare with the Baht equivalent as at the date of calculation 4. SET Total Return Index (SET TRI): 25.00% 5. Morningstar DM TME NR USD Index in US currency: 20.00% adjusted with the cost of foreign exchange hedging to compare with the Baht equivalent as at the date of calculation 6. SPDR Gold Share ETF’s Performance in US currency: 5.00% adjusted with the cost of foreign exchange hedging to compare with the Baht equivalent as at the date of calculation
1. Zero Rate Return (ZRR) Index with an approximately 3-month tenor: 5.00% 2. ThaiBMA Government Bond Index (TR) with a 1-3 year tenor: 10.00% 3. Morningstar US Core Bond TR USD Index in US currency: 5.00% adjusted with the cost of foreign exchange hedging to compare with the Baht equivalent as at the date of calculation 4. SET Total Return Index (SET TRI): 33.00% 5. Morningstar DM TME NR USD Index in US currency: 40.00% adjusted with the cost of foreign exchange hedging to compare with the Baht equivalent as at the date of calculation 6. SPDR Gold Share ETF’s Performance in US currency: 7.00% adjusted with the cost of foreign exchange hedging to compare with the Baht equivalent as at the date of calculation
The Master Fund’s Performance: 100.00% adjusted with the exchange rate for conversion to Thai Baht as at the date on which return is calculated.
The Master Fund’s Performance: 100.00% adjusted with the cost of foreign exchange hedging to compare with the Baht equivalent as at the date of calculation of return.
Morningstar China NR (USD) Index: 100.00% in USD currency adjusted with the exchange rate for conversion to Thai Baht as at the date on which return is calculated.
VN30 Total Return Index: 100.00% in USD currency adjusted with the exchange rate for conversion to Thai Baht as at the date on which return is calculated.

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